2030 Research Strategy
Our 2030 Research Strategy will continue our focus on research excellence with impact. We will use our research strengths to catalyse our societal and economic engagement and enrich our teaching and learning.
Challenge-led research themes and centres
We will deliver novel, significant and rigorous, research and innovation, with and for external partners through our challenge-led research themes.
Innovation and knowledge exchange
Research will be a catalyst for societal and economic engagement and impact, leading and informing our enterprise and innovation agenda.
Sustainable and inclusive research environment
We will develop and maintain a sustainable, enabling, and inclusive environment that supports researchers in conducting high quality research.
High performing research teams
We will create a thriving inclusive research culture where staff and students continuously grow their capability and deliver quality research within high performing teams.
Strategic partnerships
We will develop significant partnerships with leading organisations locally, nationally and internationally in strategic countries.
Our mission
We will improve and increase the scale of our research power and enhance our reputation. This will be achieved by the continued development of our research themes; improvements to our research environment; growth in research-led postgraduate education and consultancy; enhancement of our international doctoral education; and the development of our innovation ecosystem.